Legionella Risk Assessment

What is a Legionella Risk Assessment?

Since 2001 L8 Approved Code of Practice (3rd Edition) (otherwise known as ACOP) was published requiring landlords to assess the risks from exposure to Legionella to their tenants. This was revised and republished in 2013.

A risk assessment must be carried out to assess the risk of exposure to the tenants in the property. This does not require an in-depth or details assessment, however you must be able to prove you have assessed for the risks from the tenants use of the Hot and Cold Water system.

How do I get a Legionella Risk Assessment?

Whilst any competent person can carry this out, we feel employing a specialist in the field will reduce the risk or mistakes or oversights. Our trusted contractor typically charges £75 inc vat for an assessment of a property with up to 3 bedrooms. This will involve the assessor attending the property to look at the water system on all floors and in the loft. He will then report any remedial works which need carrying out.

What do they look for?

During the assessment, the assessor will look at the following:

  • Hot Water Temperature
  • Cold Water Temperature
  • Cold Water Tanks
  • Hot Water Cylinders
  • Dead Legs (Pipes which contain stagnant water)
  • External Taps

What is there is a problem?

If there is a problem the assessor will note what works are required and within what time frame.

We can then ask our trusted contractors to quote for remedials as necessary.

Do I need water samples testing?

No, there is no requirement in domestic properties to have water samples tested.

What if I don’t carry out a risk assessment?

Whilst there is no legal duty to keep records of the assessments, if your tenant was to contract Legionnaires Disease then the HSE would look for evidence of this being carried out or you would be liable for prosecution under the HSWA (Health & Safety at Work Act.


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